My Soundspace steps into the next phase
We tested our My Soundspace prototype over a three-month period with very good results. The test asked 43 subjects to work from their work spaces on their typical work assignments while choosing between five different sounds from our prototype.
Below is their perception compared to working in their typical work spaces:
74.4% Better
16.3% No difference
9.3% Worse
The results show that the concept has great potential to improve acoustics in the work environment, and therefore we will offer more companies the opportunity to participate in the research.
Invest in a My Soundspace Product
We will now take the research to the next level, partly to expand our user tests and partly to test and evaluate different sounds and user experiences.
By investing in a test product, you take an active role in the My Soundspace. Since it is still an active research project, we will release only a limited number of products at this stage.
The launch will take place at Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair on February 5, 2019.
If you are intereseted in a test product and do not have the opportunity to visit the fair, please contact us here:
// Johan Selberg
Head of Strategic Business Development